Linux Training : l. virtualization

How you can use virtualization


  • VMWare Vsphere is the enterprise class virtualization product that allows for many virtual machines utilizing shared resources. FOOBAR INC currently has one cluster of 7 machines that use this product. There are two methods of getting a VM on this cluster.
  • When you used VMs during your linux training, you were using machines currently housed on FOOBAR INC's vSphere cluster.
  • Machines here can take advantage of the redundancy of multiple hosts and are backed up often.
    1. contact the IT staff with the request. If a VM is appropriate for the task one can be created for you. Current speeds suggest that this may be done in a matter of minutes.
    2. Some SIS QA/deveolopers will have the ability to deploy some windowsXP machines with NAT access to the internet for testing purposes.
  • After your machine is created you will be given either web based console access or an IP for ssh/rdesktop. If console access is required, the IT staff will direct you to resources to explain how to log in. should be here


  • KVM can be used on any of our RHEL5 and above machines. You will need a root account to install the components.
    1. yum install virt-mananger kvm kvm-qemu-img kmod-kvm
    2. virt-manager
      # follow the gui for starting and stopping etc.


  • although other products have been used and proven to work on both windows and linux machines, they are not supported by FOOBAR INC, and thus will be dealt with on a per case basis.
    • vmware player
    • virtual box
    • qemu (tradition non-KVM version)
    • XEN
    • vmware server
    • microsoft virtual server (obviously windows only)